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2003:  PhD, Wayne State University, English


1999:  Cornell University, School of Criticism and Theory


1997:  MA, University of Missouri-Columbia, English


1993:  BA, University of California, San Diego, English and Russian Literature / Economics





English Faculty, Lake Michigan College, Fall 2022-present

Online Instructor, Macomb Community College, Fall 2019-present

Online Instructor, Central Penn College, Summer 2018-Winter 2022

Instructor, Lake Michigan College, Spring 2019-Spring 2021


Writing Center Consultant, Lake Michigan College, Fall 2018-Summer 2021

Senior Lecturer, Honors College, Wayne State University, Fall 2016-Summer 2018


Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, Fall 2006-Summer 2016


Fulbright Junior Lecturer, Institute for English and American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Fall 2005-Summer 2006


Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow, Honors Program, Wayne State, Fall 2004-Winter 2005

Visiting Lecturer, Oakland University, Fall 2003-Summer 2004





American literature and visual culture (particularly post-WWII), the Beats, modernism, postmodernism, transnational approaches to literature, film, photography, critical and literary theory, multi-ethnic American literature, world literature, Mythology, the Gothic, drama, translation theory and practice, composition, sociological approaches to literature








Allen Ginsberg in Context.  Forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, 2026.


Rethinking Kerouac: Afterlives, Continuities, Reappraisals.  Edited with Tomasz Sawczuk. Bloomsbury Academic, 2025.


The Beats and the Academy: A Renegotiation.  Edited with Tony Trigilio.  Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press, 2023.


Translating the Counterculture: The Reception of the Beats in Turkey.  Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2018.

Ambiguous Borderlands: Shadow Imagery in Cold War American Culture.  Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2016.  


Capturing the Beat Moment: Cultural Politics and the Poetics of Presence.  Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2011.  (CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title)


Journal Articles:


"Turkish Censorship, Cultural Translation, and the Trial of William S. Burroughs’s The Soft Machine.”  Arizona Quarterly, 72.3 (2016): 47-73.


"Howling in Turkish: The Cultural Appropriation of Allen Ginsberg in Turkey," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 18.5 (2016).

"What the Shadows Know: The Crime-Fighting Hero the Shadow and his Haunting of Late-1950s Literature."  American Studies 54.4 (2016): 99-117.


“Underground Literature and its Influence on Turkish Youth.”  New Perspectives on Turkey 52 (2015): 77-104.

“Diagnosing the National Neurosis: The Underground Journal Şizofrengi and its Critique of 1990s Turkey.”  Forthcoming from Turkish Studies, March 2015.


“The Ghost of Humanism: Rethinking the Subjective Turn in Postwar American Photography.” History of Photography, 38.4 (2014): 418-434.


“A Journey into the Shadows: The Twilight Zone’s Visual Critique of the Cold War.” Science Fiction Film and Television 7.1 (2014): 55-76.


“The ‘Underground’ Reception of the Beats in Turkey.”  Comparative American Studies: An International Journal.  11.3 (2013): 327-341.


“Capturing the Fleeting Moment: Photography in the Work of Allen Ginsberg.” Chicago Review.  51: 1/2 (2005):  215-231.


“Existentialism and the Beats: A Renegotiation.”  Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature.  1.1 (2004):  26-48.


“High Off the Page: Representing the Drug Experience in the work of Jack Kerouac

and Allen Ginsberg.”  Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology and the Arts.  7.1 (2004):  54-72.  


“Beating Time: Configurations of Temporality in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road.”   College Literature.  28 (2001):  51-67.


“Xmas Junkies: Debasement and Redemption in the Work of William S. Burroughs

and David Foster Wallace.”  Dionysos: The Journal of Literature and Addiction.  9 (1999):  37-46.


Book Chapters:


“Making the Past Present: Kerouac and Memory.”  The Cambridge Companion to Jack Kerouac.  Ed. Steven Belletto.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2024.  151-165.


“Harold Norse and the Perils of Literary Obscurity." Harold Norse: Poet Maverick, Gay Laureate.  Eds. A. Robert Lee and Douglas Field.  Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press, 2022.  11-25.


"Drug Use and Beat Writers."  The Beats: A Teaching Companion.  Ed. Nancy Campbell Grace.  Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press, 2021.  175-186.

“Bohemia.”  The City in American Literature and Culture.  Ed. Kevin R. McNamara.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.  245-258.

“The Pedagogy of Open Form Poetics: Charles Olson, Allen Ginsberg, and Anne Waldman.”  The Beats, Black Mountain, and New Modes in American Poetry.  Ed. Matt Theado.  Clemson, SC:  Clemson University Press, 2021.  229-245.


“Beat Turkey: A Belated Influence.” The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature. Ed. A Robert Lee.  New York: Routledge Press, 2018. 286-297.

“Magic.”  Critical Terms in Future Studies.  Ed. Heike Paul.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019:  181-184.


"Allen Ginsberg and Beat Poetry.”  The Cambridge Companion to the Beats. Ed. Steven Belletto.  Cambridge University Press, 2017: 77-91.


“Poetry Takes Center Stage: John Wieners's Still Life at the New York Poets Theater.”  Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the “Howl” Generation.  Ed. Deborah Geis.  London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2016: 205-220.


“Reclaiming the Underground:  Turkish Women Writers and their Beat Women Counterparts.” Out of the Shadows: Beat Women are not Beaten Women.  Eds. Frida Forsgren and Michael J. Prince.  Kristiansand, Norway: Portal Books, 2015: 25-39. 


“Importing Counterculture: On the Road’s Turkish Reception.”  The Transnational Turn in American Studies: Turkey and the United States.  Eds. Tanfer Emin Tunc and Bahar Gursel.  Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2012: 119-140.


“High Off the Page: Representing the Drug Experience in the work of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.”  Reprinted in The Philosophy of the Beats.  Ed. Sharin N. Elkholy.  Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 2012:  163-178.


“Keeping Vision Alive: The Buddhist Stillpoint in the Work of Kerouac and Ginsberg.” The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature.  Eds. John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff.  Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2009:  123-138.


“Beating Time: Configurations of Temporality in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road.”  Reprinted in The Beat Generation: Critical Essays.  Ed. Kostas Myrsiades.  New York:  Peter Lang, 2002: 59-77.


Review Articles:


Review of Diane Di Prima: Visionary Poetics and the Hidden Religions, by David Stephen Calonne.  European Journal of American Studies (June 2020), Reviews 2020-2.


Review of How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech Lands, by Antonín Zita.  European Journal of American Studies (October 2019), Reviews 2019-3.     


Review of The French Genealogy of the Beat Generation: Burroughs, Ginsberg, and Kerouac’s                Appropriations of Modern Literature, from Rimbaud to Michaux, by Véronique Lane.  Comparative Literature Studies, 56.3 11 (2019): 619-623.


"Finding Aid for the Sohm Archive." The Journal of Beat Studies.  5 (2017): 247-60.

Review of World Beats: Beat Generation Writing and the Worlding of U.S. Literature, by Jimmy Fazzino. American Literary History.  Online Review.  Series XII.  August, 2017.

Review of Gulten Akin's What Have You Carried Over?: Poems of 42 Days and Other Works.  Turkish Poetry Today 4 (2016): 124-5.


“Beat Generation.” America in the World, 1776-Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History. Charles Scribner's Sons, 2016: 126-7.


Review of The Transnational Beat Generation, eds. Nancy M. Grace and Jennie Skerl. European Beat Studies Network (  July 2014.


Review of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters.  American Book Review.  35.1 (2013):  8-9.


“Text, Image, and the Space Between Them in the Work of Necmi Zekâ.” Introduction to Necmi Zekâ keep blending—keep separating Exhibition Catalogue.  Istanbul, Turkey: Dirimart Gallery, November 2013.


“Writing a New Nation: Literary Bohemianism and the Re-conceiving of America,” a review of  Michael Hrebeniak’s Action Writing: Jack Kerouac’s Wild Form and Michael Soto’s The Modernist Nation: Generation, Renaissance, and Twentieth-Century American Literature.    Journal of Modern Literature.  31 (2008):  137-142.


Encyclopedia entry on Janine Pommy Vega’s Tracking the Serpent: Journeys to Four Continents.   Encyclopedia of Beat Literature.  New York:  Facts on File, Inc. 2007: 317.


Review of On the Walls and in the Streets:  American Poetry Broadsides from the 1960s, by James D. Sullivan.  Criticism:  A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts.  41 (1999): 568-572.


“Listen to the recordings!!!: Clark Coolidge’s Interview with Erik Mortenson.”  Journal of Beat Studies.  Volume 10.  2022.  119-126.


“The Beats in Iran: An Interview with Iranian Translator Farid Ghadami.”  The European Beat Studies Network website (  July 2021.

“Turkish Poetry and the Language of Resistance: A Conversation with Necmi Zekâ.”  Interview with Necmi Zekâ in The Adroit Journal (  February 2020.




“Guilt” and “How’s this for Nerve?” Witty Partition (now Cable Street). Spring 2022.

“A Moment of Indignation” and “The Whole’ll Be Saved by a Detail.” Antigonish Review. 52.209 (2022): 65-69.

“Five Poems of Necmi Zekâ.”  Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation.  Volume 16 (1).  January 2022.

“High Standards” and “Building Rome in a Day.”  Visions International: The World Journal of International Poetry.  2022.

“Sami Baydar’s Painting” and “Sami Baydar’s Death.”  The Bosphorous Review of Books             (  March 2021.


“[…]”  The Berlin Quarterly.  (11) Winter 2019: 79.


“Bills."  Translated with Idil Karacadag.  Two Lines Press: World Writing in Translation.  26 (2017): 78-83.


"Transvestite Pinocchio” by Sibel Torunoglu.  Translated with Burçak Bilgin.  Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics (  January 2017.


"Three Poems by Gökçenur Ç."  Asymptote ( July 2015.


“Selected Poems of Necmi Zekâ.”  Translated with Idil Karacadag.  Turkish Poetry Today. 1 (2013):  75-103.

Creative Works and Essays:

Kick Out the Bottom: A Shared Account of a Detroit Mystic.  With Christopher Kramer.  Stevens Point, WI: Cornerstone Press, 2023.

“Chasing Shadows:  The Pleasures (and Perils) of Staring into the Shadows.”  The Smart Set         (  April 1, 2021.

“After the Coup: what it’s like to live through a coup as an academic.”  The Smart Set                 (  February 9, 2017.

“The Joys of Time Travel” and “Odd Man Out.”  Poems included in the collection Etymology of a Dream: Art, Writing, and Beyond.  Detroit, MI: Sublimation Pressworks, 2016: 62-3.



“The Beat Generation’s Influence and Legacy,” Distinguished Lecture Series, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana India, November 2022


“International Movie Night and Discussion:  Spirited Away,” Virtual International Week, Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI, November 2020


“Susan Sontag's On Photography."  Pageturners Roundtable Discussion, Schoolcraft Community College, Detroit, MI, October 2018.

"Shadow Imagery in Cold War American Culture."  Schoolcraft Scholars Honors Program, Schoolcraft Community College, Detroit, MI, October 2018


"How I Wrote Translating the Counterculture and the Lessons I Learned from the Experience," Research at Honors Lecture Series, Wayne State University, November 2016.

"Pageturners Panel Discussion of Jack Kerouac's On the Road," Schoolcraft Community College, Detroit, MI, October 2016.

"The Reception of the Beats in Turkey," University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, March 2016.

"The Ghost of Humanism: Rethinking the Subjective Turn in Postwar American Photography," University of Kent.  Canterbury, UK, March 2016.


"Depictions of the Beats in West German and Turkish Underground Journals,” University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, December, 2014


“Translating Counterculture: The Reception of the Beat Generation in West German and Turkish Underground Journals,” Friedrich-Alexander- University Erlangen- Nürnberg, Germany, December, 2014


“Spontaneity and the Beat Generation: Problems and Possibilities,” University Stuttgart, Germany, November, 2014


“Defining the Turkish Underground,” Orient Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2014


“Postmodern Anachronism: Translating Necmi Zekâ’s Poetry,” Cunda International Workshop for Translators of Turkish Literature, Cunda, Turkey, September 2014


“The Figure of the Shadow in American Cold War Culture,” Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2013


“Brain Drain / Brain Gain in Art, Science and Technology,” Workshop Co-Facilitator, ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Art, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2011


“Robert Frank and Postwar American Photography,” Humanities Lecture Series, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 2010


“American Photography at Mid-Century,” Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 2010


“Capturing the Ineffable in Beat Dream Writings,” University of Delhi, India, January, 2009


“From the Modern to the Postmodern: The Lessons of the Beat Generation,” Fulbright Lecture Series, “American Culture, Past and Present,” University of Rostock, Germany, July 2006


“Pedagogical Approaches in the United States and Germany: A Critical Comparison,” Amerika Haus, Nürnberg, Germany, June 2006


“The Problems of Race and Gender in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road,” Friedrich-Alexander- University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, November 2005


“The Tradition of Dissent in America,” American Studies Committee Seminar, Center for U.S. Studies, Leucorea Foundation and Martin Luther University, Germany, November 2005


“Feminizing the Beat Experience,” William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, Illinois, February, 2002




“Can We Teach the Beat Generation?” Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA, January 2024


“The Beats and the Academy: A Renegotiation,” European Beat Studies Network Virtual Conference, October 2021


“The Reception of the Beats in Turkey,”  MMLA Conference, Chicago, November 2019     


"The Language of Viral Conspiracy in William S. Burroughs," Western Michigan University Medical Humanities Conference, Kalamazoo, MI, September 2019

“The Beats in Turkey,” Conference of the Reception Study Society, Provo, UT, September 2019


"The Lessons of Cultural Translation: The Beats in Turkey," European Beat Studies Network, Vienna, Austria, October 2018 


"Beats and their Afterlives," The Association for the Study of Arts of the Present (ASAP) Conference, Berkeley, CA, October 2017

“Making a Case for Reception in Beat Studies: The Beats in Turkey," The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, Louisville, KY, February 2017.

"John Wieners and the New York Poets Theatre," European Beat Studies Network, Brussels, Belgium, October 2015.

"The Cultural Appropriation of Allen Ginsberg's Work," European Beat Studies Network, Tangier, Morocco, November 2014.


"Reclaiming the Underground: Turkish Women Writers and their Beat Women Counterparts,” Out of the Shadows: The Female Beats in Literature, Art, and Film, Kristiansand, Norway, September 2013


“Diagnosing the National Neurosis: Psychology as Social Critique in the journals Şizofrengi and Neurotica,” European Beat Studies Network 2nd Annual Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, August 2013


“The Reception of On the Road in Turkey,” European Beat Studies Network Inaugural Conference, Middelburg, the Netherlands, September, 2012


“The Turkish Trial of William S. Burroughs’s The Soft Machine,” American Literature  

Association’s 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2012


“Ralph Eugene Meatyard and the Critique of Postwar Humanism,” American Studies Association of Turkey Conference, Alanya, Turkey, November 2010


“Fading into Shadow: The Cold War Photography of Robert Frank and William

Klein,” Cold War Cultures Conference: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, University of Texas at Austin, October 2010                                                                                                                                                                                 

“The Gap as a Means to a Heightened State of Consciousness: Allen Ginsberg’s Collaboration with Photographer William Webb,” Tools of the Sacred, Techniques of the Secular: Awakening, Epiphany, Apocalypse and Doubt in Contemporary English-Language Verse, Brussels, Belgium, May, 2010


“Disintegrating Figures in the Work of William Klein,” Humanities and Social Sciences Series, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 2010


“Remediating the Beats: Visual, Auditory and Interarts Legacies,” Panel Co-Organizer, European Association for American Studies Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, March, 2010


“Shrouded Strangers: Negativity, Shadows, and the Dream in the work of Jack Kerouac,” 4th International IDEA Conference, Manisa, Turkey, April, 2009


“LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka and the Shadow of the Cold War,” Jack Kerouac, Kerouac’s On the Road, and the Beats, University of Birmingham, UK, December, 2008


“Critiquing the Cold War:  The Use of Shadows in Jack Kerouac’s Dr. Sax,” American Studies Association of Turkey, Boğazıçı University, October, 2008


“Straddling the Shadows: Sylvia Plath and the Collapse of a Postwar Moral Order,” The Sylvia Plath 75th Year Symposium, University of Oxford, UK, October, 2007


“Can You Dig It?: The Disclosure of Being in Jack Kerouac’s Conception of Digging,” American Literature Association Conference, Boston, May 2007


“Finding a Language for Dreams: Kerouac and Freud at Mid-Century,” Cultural Representations of Psychiatry and Mental Illness, Swietokrzyska Academy,

Poland, May 2007


“Bridging the Gap Between Self and Other: Empathy, Representation, and the Drug

State,” Drugs in the Americas: Societies, Cultures, Politics, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, July 2006


“Apocalyptic Orgasms: The Paradox of Beat Sexual Liberation,” European Association of American Studies Conference, “Conformism, Non-Conformism, and Anti- Conformism in the Culture of the United States,” Nicosia, Cyprus, April 2006


“Creeley, Kerouac, and the Multiple Authorship of Dreams,” “Authorship and the Turn to Language” Conference, University of Tübingen, Germany, December 2005


“What Can and Cannot Be Said About the Vietnam and Iraqi Wars,” Vietnam Lecture Series, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, November 2005


“‘Miserable Picnic, Police State, Garden of Eden?’  The Chicago Democratic Convention and the Politics of OM,” Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, Texas, April 2004  (Panel Chair)


“Beat Photography: The Problems of Capturing the Moment,” Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February, 2003


“Using the Photograph as a Guide to Discussion in Blackboard’s ‘Virtual Classroom’,” Enhancing Teaching through Technology Conference, Wayne State University, February, 2003


“Heaven in a Cornice: Making Use of the Visionary Moment,”  Third Annual New Voices Conference, Georgia State University, September, 2002


“Kerouac’s ‘Real Intellectuals’: Making a Place for Existentialism in the Beat Canon,” Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, February, 2002


“Janine Pommy Vega and the Limits of Space and Time,”  Beat Attitudes Conference, University of Massachusetts Lowell, October, 2001


“Writing Time and Closing Gaps: Intersubjectivity and the New American Poetry,”  Time, Memory, Text Conference, Binghamton University, March, 2001 (Panel Chair)


“Road, Railroad Track, and Rucksack: Mobile Tensions in the Work of Jack Kerouac,” Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2001 (Panel Chair)


“High Times: Writing Through the Drugged Body in the Work of Jack Kerouac,”  Figuring the Body Conference, University of Southern California, March 2000


“Go Dean Go!: The Liberating Temporality of On The Road’s Dean Moriarty,” Twentieth- Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, February, 2000


“Xmas Junkies: Debasement and Redemption in the Work of William S. Burroughs and David Foster Wallace,”  English Graduate Student Conference, University of Missouri-Columbia, February, 1998


“All the World’s a Stage: Metadrama and its Implications for Women in Taming of the Shrew,”   Collaboration Between the Disciplines, University of Missouri-Columbia, February, 1997





English Faculty, Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI, Fall 2022-present

  •      English 101: College Composition I

  •      English 099A: College Writing Enrichment

  •      English 216: Literature of Black America

  •      Humanities 209: Introduction to the Art of Cinema

  •      Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum Workgroup (Chair)

Online Instructor, Macomb Community College, Fall 2019-present:

  •      Mythology

Online Instructor, Central Penn College, Summer 2018-Winter 2022:

  •      English 101: College Composition I

  •      English 102: College Composition II​

Instructor, Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI, Spring 2019-Spring 2021

  •        English 216:  Literature of Black America

  •        English 101:  English Composition

Writing Center Consultant, Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI, Fall 2018-Summer 2021:

  •       Assist students and faculty with academic and professional writing at all levels

  •       Perform outreach services for the Writing Center

  •       Contribute to daily operations of the Center

Senior Lecturer, Honors College, Wayne State University, Fall 2016-Summer 2018:


  •         Honors 1000: "The City"

  •         American Government


Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Koç University,

Istanbul, Turkey, Fall 2006-Summer 2016:


  •         Literature and the Social World: Representing Istanbul and Chicago

  •         Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States

  •         Honors Thesis Seminar

  •         The ‘Underground’ in Literature, Film, Comics, and Music

  •  .      Visual Texts and the Avant-Garde

  •         Twentieth-Century American Drama

  •         American Culture and the Cold War

  •         Introduction to Literary Theory and Methodology

  •         Introduction to American Literature

  •         Humanities II: 500 A.D. to 1700 A.D.,

  •         Humanities III:  1700 A.D. to Present—The Gothic

  •         Introduction to Literary Theory

  •         Humanities I: To 500 A.D.

  •         Film Noir

  •         Exemplarity and the Search for Wisdom in World Literature

  •         Turning Night into Day: The Use of Dreams in World Literature

  •         Capturing Reality: The Desire for ‘Truth’ in Film, Photo, and Fiction



Fulbright Junior Lecturer, Institute for English and American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-

University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Fall 2005-Summer 2006:


  •         Graduate Seminar, “The Space Between: A Dialogue Between the 19th and 20th Centuries"

  •         Undergraduate Seminar, “What is a Poem?: The Assumptions Behind 20th Century American                          Poetry"

  •         Graduate Seminar, “The Beats and the Shift from the Modern to the Postmodern"

  •         Undergraduate Seminar, “Transcendent Experience in American Literature"



Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow, Honors Program, Wayne State, Fall 2004-Winter 2005:



  •         Honors Composition, “Engaging the City: Service Learning in Detroit"

  •    .    Honors Composition, “Detroit Revisited: De-Familiarizing the American City"



Visiting Lecturer, Oakland University, Fall 2003-Summer 2004:



  •        American Literature Survey, “The Real and the False—Uncovering the ‘Authentic’ American Self"

  •        Masterpieces of World Literature, “What the Classics Tell Us About Today"


Adjunct Teaching, Wayne State and Lawrence Technological Universities, 2002-2005:



  •         American Literature Survey, “Getting Beside Ourselves:  The Literature of Transcendent Experience"

  •         American Studies, “Dissent!” 

  •         Introduction to College Writing (Computer-based), “Rhetorics Past and Present: Using the Ancient to              Think About the (Post) Modern"

  •        World Masterpieces I (Lawrence Tech)


Graduate Teaching Assistant, Wayne State University, 1998-2002:



  •         African-American Literature and Writing, “The Changing Same,"

  •         Intermediate Writing, “Science Fiction and Society"

  •         Basic Writing, Project 350:  Head-Start Program for Detroit-based Students

  •         Fiction:  Literature and Writing, “Questions of Identity"

  •         Introduction to College Writing (two sections)



Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1995-1998:



  •          Composition (four sections)

  •          Major Authors:  Shakespeare, “Shakespeare and Film,” (team-taught)

  •          Composition (Honors section), “Defining the Beat Generation"

  •          Writing Lab Tutor, Winter 1996 and Fall 1995




Innovation Award Grant, Macomb Community College (2021)

Breaking Barriers Grant, Lake Michigan College (2019)

Erasmus Teaching Exchange Grant, University of Kent (2016)

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship (2014)

Cunda International Workshop for Translators of Turkish Literature (2014)

Turkish Higher Education Council (Tübitak) 1001 Research Grant (2012-2013)

Koç Summer Research Program for Undergraduates (2013 and 2014)

DePaul-Koç Global Learning Experience Program Participant (2012-present)

CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title award for Capturing the Beat Moment (2011)

KOLT Teaching Innovation Grant (2010)

Harvard University Summer Research Fellowship (2009 and 2012)

Harry Ransom Humanities Center Fellowship (2008)

Fulbright Junior Lecturer in Germany (2005-2006)

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship (2004-2005)

Edward M. Wise Dissertation Fellowship (2003)

Summer Dissertation Fellowship (2002)

Feigenson Fellowship (2002)

Thomas C. Rumble University Graduate Fellowships (1997-1998, 2000-2001)

Tompkins Award (1999 and 2001)

Suzanne Ferguson Award (1998)

George Blocker Pace Award for Outstanding Graduate Papers (1996)




Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum, Lake Michigan College (2018-present)

Managing Editor of The Journal of Beat Studies (2022-2024)

European Beat Studies Network Advisory Board member (2010-present)

Co-Editor of The Journal of Beat Studies (2021-2022)

Curriculum and Assessment Committee, Wayne State University (2016-2018)

Co-founder of and Curriculum Developer for Koç University’s English and Comparative Literature Department (2006-2016)

Director of “Teachers’ Roundtable” Series (2008-2016)

Director of Undergraduate Conference (2009-2016)

Recruitment Committee (2007-2016)

Reader for Cambridge University Press, Brill Publishers, Bloomsbury, PMLA, Humanities, Turkish Studies,            Criticism, Contemporary Literature

Society for Cinema and Media Studies member (2013-present)

Committee to Create Media Studies Major (2009-2010)

Beat Studies Association member (2006-present)

European Beat Studies Network member (2010-present)

American Studies Association of Turkey member (2007-2016)

Member of Deleuze and Guattari Humanities Center workgroup (2002-2005)

Director of Graduate Student Colloquium Series (2000-2002)

Graduate Committee (2000-2001)

Policy Committee (1999-2000)

English Graduate Student Association member (1995-1998)











Obituary Writer for Beloved, Detroit, MI

Abstractor for Russian history journals, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA

Abstractor for Russian sociology journals, Sociological Abstracts, San Diego, CA

Database Editor, Information Access Company, Redwood City, CA


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